
LEGO Life User Testing


This study is part of user experience research aimed at providing feedback to the LEGO Life team. The LEGO Life app and various unreleased video content were tested. I worked with members of the LEGO UX team to plan, coordinate, implement, and report five separate testing sessions.

Methodological Approach

The research has been conducted with a total of over 40 users — boys and girls in the age range of 5 to 11 years old divided across five different testing sessions. The children were recruited through outreach to local after-school programs and Facebook mom groups to undergo a user test performed at the Quinnipiac School of Law in North Haven, Connecticut.

The tests lasted between 20-25 minutes and were executed on iPads. The usability test method being used was the think-aloud test, where the children were asked prepared questions relating to the CUFSS methodology, but were asked to think out loud at any time. The children were asked to explore the LEGO Life app experience freely, then shown a series of five unreleased videos. The main focus was to observe the behavior of each child and determine if they their level of app interest as they navigated the experience. The test sessions were moderated by members of The Agency at Quinnipiac University after virtual training on working with child subjects from the LEGO UX team in Copenhagen, Denmark. 

See the final user testing report below.


Fifth Wave


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